When, however, you identify more with your changeless, boundless True Self, you stay rooted in your core, even as your human incarnation and external world continue to change form and reveal your ever-expanding good. You no longer live from the level on which the problems were created. You stop doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. You enter into a peace and fulfillment no longer dependent on external conditions, but supported and fueled by the whole universe.
Things are not unfolding by chance. You are not at the mercy of other causes—things are not happening to you; they are happening through you. There is an underlying order or pattern that is already perfect and is seeking to emerge from within your soul, just waiting for the right conditions. And everything is conspiring to create those conditions, regardless of what you’ve been through or where you currently are. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The dice of God are always loaded.” The entire universe is rigged in your favor.
And this is where Grace comes in.
Grace is the realization that no matter what appears on the surface of life—no matter what has come before, or what appears to be lost, when you tap back into this perfect seed pattern, into your true self, it will emerge again, fresh, vital, overflowing with new possibilities. Whereas the rules of karma say you’re destined to live out the effects of your previous causes, the realization of Grace is that, in a “Holy Instant,” your life can be made new and “though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18)
As we consider how Grace works, we arrive at an inescapable conclusion: if we can affect this unified field with our consciousness, and this field is omnipresent and indivisible, then we must be it and it must be us. There can be no separate self—no subject/object relationship—in an omnipresence. Here, the deeper esoteric meaning behind two rarely understood Biblical statements reveals itself—“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” (Luke 17:20-21) and “You are the Light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14) Or to reference Hindu philosophy, one’s true self, Atman, is identical with the transcendent Self, Brahman.
In other words, you are this infinite, omnipresent something that is forever unfolding. With this understanding of your true Self and the power of Grace, you are no longer beholden to external powers or authority; you are no longer a prisoner of past experience or present conditions. Combined with an understanding that you are not a limited, physical person, but part of the larger fabric of existence—like a wave upon the ocean, never separate—you are now equipped with a bold new picture of how reality works.
From “Finding your true self,” by Derek Rydall