Golden Milk, a Recipe for Lasting Health

Golden Milk

We yogis know it. Yoga expands beyond our daily asana practice. And that is what unfolds as a whole lifestyle or what we call “life off-the-mat” including the food we eat, and how we eat, and how we live our lives from the inside out.

Few years ago, I found what’s called a smoothie for health to stimulate the ojas*, or Ojas Smoothie. It is said that if you drink this simple smoothie daily you will not get sick.

And not too long ago, I discovered this other ancient yogic remedy, called Golden Milk, traditionally used to cure diarrhea, fever, bronchitis, colds and non-specific viral infections, headaches, parasitic worms, leprosy, bladder and kidney infections, and to reverse joint and muscle pain due to inflammation or arthritis. Continue reading “Golden Milk, a Recipe for Lasting Health”

Natural Facial You Can Make at Home


Whenever I come across anything natural inspired by Mother Nature, that you can make yourself with things you might already have in your pantry, I feel the need to share it. There is no greater gift than what nature gives us daily both to nourish and nurture our body, but our mind and spirit as well. If we take good care of our body, the mind and soul will be happy and in alignment as well. Continue reading “Natural Facial You Can Make at Home”