Great Things are Ahead


I truly love this post by Mastin Kipp so I had to share it here with you all.

“Are you going through Divine Storm?

A Divine wha?

A Divine Storm, as I call them, are moments in your life when you feel like life/The Divine/The Universe is against you. Nothing is going well.

You question everything and maybe even say something like “Why is this happening to me?”

What I’ve come to find, is that moments like this are powerful opportunities to grow. Divine Storms are wake up calls. They are not ushering in the end, but rather clearing space for what’s trying to be born in your life.

We live in a Universe that specializes in redemption.
We need not worry. We need not assume the worst.
But rather, make our aim to surrender our Will to Divine Will.

But – we tend to interrupt the process. We hang on to how it was and fear how it could be. And perhaps we slip into assuming the worst, instead of preparing for a miracle.

You see, when you go through a crisis, a hard time, a moment of pain – there is always, and I do mean always, a breakthrough on the other side.

And just past the breakthrough, the new awareness, the inevitable “aha moment” you’ve been searching for – comes redemption. Continue reading “Great Things are Ahead”

Overcoming Fear

Breathe into the light, make peace with your fears. Trust. All is well. (Photo Credit Fernando Gaxiola)
Breathe into the light, make peace with your fears. Trust. All is well. (Photo Credit Fernando Gaxiola)

How many times have you felt yourself shrink?

How many times have you made yourself small enough to fit into some role?

How many times have you kept your mouth shut when you wanted to speak out or handed over your power to someone who didn’t have your best interests at heart?

How many times have you told yourself, “I can’t. I can’t do it. I’m not strong enough. I’m not courageous or confident enough to be all that I desire to be?” Continue reading “Overcoming Fear”