So many people ask me “Why love hurts?” And yes, love can be painful at times simply because it creates the way or space for more joy, light, wisdom, bliss, compassion, forgiveness, and transformation in our lives. Love is growth.
But love itself does not hurt. It is growth that hurts, the death of the ego, the ego that stings. It is the loss that the ego mourns.
Each transformation is painful because the old situation is being left behind for the new. For example, when a relationship ends, you feel hurt, your hopes and dreams have crashed; you feel lost and lonely, wondering what comes next.
“A miracle is a shift in perception, from fear to love.” — Marianne Williamson
I am love
When in doubt (or not), always choose Love
Always choose love because to suffer in love is not to suffer in vain; you are taken to higher levels of consciousness, and if you surrender what first it felt as pain it will evolve and transform into bliss. If you choose the mind/ego, you will suffer, it will be useless suffering with an unproductive outcome. By choosing love over fear there will be always a positive, creative outcome for you. To be afraid of love, to be afraid of the growing pains of love, is to remain enclosed in a dark shell, to die while alive. If the gold wants to be purified, it has to pass through fire.
“And he day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
Practice: How to be the embodiment of love
Find your courage and love fully and completely with abandon, living as if were on borrowed time.
Trust and live in and through your heart. Love takes you from the head to the heart and nurtures, comforts and heals you even as you pass through the fire. Breathing in love, the ego drops and the soul arises. Love is food for the soul.
To move quickly from pain to bliss, ask yourself:
Is this pain for my growth?
What are lessons and the blessings behind it?
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Every time your heart breaks open, though it hurts, it means your heart is expanding, transforming and deepening to expand deeper, to welcome more love into your life. So breathe into it and remember ‘the wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
Learn from each experience, watch the ego, embrace your fears, become the observer, and always choose Love.
Go through the dark night of the soul, surrender, as it is only in the womb of the dark night that the sun evolves and the light fully and divinely embraces you.
When situations occur that the ego mind interprets as bad, you are not being punished. It does not mean that you are less loved; it means that you are more loved. You are becoming grace. The Uni-verse needs you to be the healing light, love and compassion.
Believe that what you already have is what you need. From the highest level you are one with all that is, nothing is separate from you. You are loved beyond words.
When you are willing to be open and loving to no matter what, you are not waiting for a miracle, you are the miracle, you are it.
If you are looking to get to the next level of your meditation practice, forgiveness is key. Forgiveness is freedom.
According to Wikipedia, “forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.”
Practice forgiveness (Photo Fernanda Beccaglia)
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To help you get there, here’s a simplified variation of a very powerful forgiveness exercise extracted from MindValley Academy.
Step 1: Set The Scene
Firstly, with your eyes closed and for about two minutes or so, bring back all the anger, frustration and pain you felt when someone in your life wronged you. Feel yourself in that very moment when it happened and picture the same environment you were in when you interacted with them. (To give you an example, in one of my sessions I imagined my bullying school headmaster in the same basketball court where he had made me stand for hours in the hot sun as punishment.) Continue reading “How To Truly Forgive and Liberate Yourself”
Truth. There are many interpretations of truth. Your truth, my truth, the truth. Humanity continues to be engaged in the discovery of the truth. The bad news is I do not think I have figured it out. The good news is I think I have uncovered my relationship to the truth.
In my past, professionally and personally, people have chosen not to tell me the truth. There are many reasons they would use as to why. “I was afraid, didn’t want to upset you, didn’t know how to tell you, didn’t think you would care, didn’t want you to know”, etc. What I got from this experience was two distinct insights. Continue reading “The Truth Will Set You Free”