When I think of people who made the biggest impact in my life, it was not their expertise or accomplishments that provided me with the direction, guidance and reassurance I needed to accomplish my goals. It was their sincere belief in me. They let me know through their words and actions that I mattered.
The people in your life want that same validation. In fact, every single person you will ever meet shares this common desire. They want to know they matter.
Mattering a universal human need. First, you need to fully accept that you matter, and then its incumbent on you to pass this message along. Would the people in your life can answer, “yes” to the following questions:
One of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s famous quote was “change your thoughts, change your life.” The same can be said about words: “Change your words, change your life.
Have you ever thought then that it could be possible that the words we attach to our experience actually become our experience? Do words have a biochemical effect? Can a change in words lead to a change of state?
Words have tremendous power, choose them wisely! (Image credit: inspirationalstorytellers.com)o words have a biochemical effect? Can a change in words lead to a change of state? (Image Credit: being clarity.com)
Our default setting isn’t to consciously choose our words to describe our emotions. When we experience disempowering and distressing emotions, we unconsciously fall back on our habitual vocabulary.
The words we attach to our experience become our experience.
Words do have a biochemical effect on the body. The minute you use a disempowering word you are going to produce a very different biochemical effect than if you don’t. Example: “devastated” versus “I feel disappointed.”
It’s not hard to see the impact of language when we look at how we feel when other people speak to us. For example, if someone said to you, “I think you’re mistaken,” versus, “I think you’re wrong,” versus, “You’re lying,”would you have a different biochemical response to that simple phrase? The same exact process happens with the words that we use to speak to ourselves, but unfortunately, we’re less conscious of the impact.
The intention of this brief post is to bring your awareness to the power you have and have you practice it for the next week. Simply begin to notice the different language patterns, yours and others, and how they magnified or softened the emotional state, your vibration and theirs.
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A small yet powerful shift
Could it really be this easy? Just by changing the words we habitually use to describe our emotions, could we change our feelings and the quality of our lives? Ten days turned into a month and I can tell you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was a life-transforming experience. This is not to say there won’t be times when you feel angry or enraged, but wouldn’t it be nice to have that be a conscious choice as opposed to a habitual negative reaction? We can be proactive in choosing our emotions—we can make experiences more pleasurable.
If you’re wondering how to change your life in the easiest way possible, start with one word. Replace one word that will transform the way you experience something “negative.” Shifting your emotional patterns is the key to shaping your decisions, actions and life.This is how you create a choice instead of a habitual reaction.
Transformational vocabulary gives you the power to transform, shift, your experiences in life by lowering the intensity of negative emotions to the point where they no longer control you. It can also be used to take positive experiences and increase them to even greater heights of pleasure.
How extraordinary will your life be when you consistently lower the intensity of negative emotions and intensify the positive ones? Start small. Note the charge of negative words you use on a consistent basis and ask yourself how you can change them. Can you be “annoyed” instead of “devastated?” Or can you feel “ecstatic” instead of “pleased?” Internal dialogue can change your life.
Your assignment for this week, if you choose to take it, is to start creating conscious and beneficial habits from the inside out. Give it a try. You will see how quickly you will reach a more peaceful, powerful, positive, joyful state.
Affirmations are great but if they are not aligned with an elevated emotion and a high vibrational match it will take a long time to get where you want to get.
It’s a way of meditating. Thoughts will come up because it’s the nature of the mind, but let them pass, don’t get attached to them.
Another point is that when you’re aiming high, it’s not enough to casually choose something. You must choose with your whole being. So arrive into that high alignment with this desire that’s to hold and feel it in your body.
Your body then becomes the vortex to your future, for what is serving or taking away from the growth towards this manifestation.