How to Live with Intention


Nowadays, our society is so focused on working harder and longer, acquiring possessions, and achieving titles that we often lose touch with our true nature—that wise, beautiful, loving, and vibrant being within each of us.

We can get caught up in unconscious and unhealthy patterns developed over the years. Before we know it, we’re just going through the motions each day. But there is a way to return to a more intentional way of living. It begins by setting your intention for a balanced day. String enough together, and you’ll soon be on your way to an intentional life. Living an intentional life involves carrying out each day with consciousness.

When you’re living with intention, you do everything with a conscious intent, which aligns with your core values. This involves clarifying your dreams, setting defined and clear intentions, and crafting a lifestyle that is aligned with your core, deepest desires.  Continue reading “How to Live with Intention”

How to Naturally Combat Sinus Congestion and Headaches


When the season starts to change, and the air pressure goes up and down, I can feel it everywhere in my head. Last Sunday, I woke up with a chronic sinus congestion and headache. I couldn’t even open my eyes. It was that acute! On top of that, it wasn’t a lazy Sunday for me. I had a long day ahead and I needed to clear it fast.

So I went to my kitchen and grab a few vegetables and spices and created a masterpiece that was, among other two things (read below), the healing answer to to my prayers that morning. If you suffer from allergies, chronic or occasional sinus pain, or even headaches, give Nature a chance to heal you. Give this juice a try. Continue reading “How to Naturally Combat Sinus Congestion and Headaches”