The Spiritual Meaning of the Summer Solstice and How to Celebrate it


Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, the shortest night, and a tipping point: from here on out the days get shorter and the nights get longer. The solstice, sometimes called midsummer because by now farmers have long done their planting, is technically the first day of summer. It both ushers in the warmest season, and reminds that the season is short, slipping away day by day. For those who revere nature, summer solstice may be celebrated by a bonfire, and staying up to greet the dawn. Continue reading “The Spiritual Meaning of the Summer Solstice and How to Celebrate it”

Through the Mud, the Lotus is Formed


The lotus has many healing properties and is a symbol of divine compassion. It becomes this by growing through the mud. Challenges provide an opportunity for you to grow into a source of healing.

The ego mind likes to make everything into a problem. How could this be happening to ME? How have I created this experience? It is almost funny, although it doesn’t feel that way at the time.

These experiences are really a gift that makes you really humble. Provides you with the unique opportunity to open your heart and fill it with compassion. Continue reading “Through the Mud, the Lotus is Formed”