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Why you should be an April Fool
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“As we enter the month of April I was pondering the meaning of April Fool’s Day. One theory is that during the Middle Ages the New Year was celebrated the last week of March into early April. Those who started to celebrate the New Year in January thought those who continued to celebrate the New Year in April were “April Fools”, However, the deeper concept of The Fool intrigues me.
In the Tarot, the Fool represents unlimited potential. The innocence of trusting in God so completely that you move forward knowing Source has your back. The Fool is free from worry and doubt. She truly lives in the present and trusts that she will be guided on her journey. James Wanless describes the Fool in the Voyager Tarot as someone who is “innocent and spontaneous, curious and playful”.
I want to encourage you to be brave in your search for wisdom. Develop the spiritual muscles you need to keep your Source connection strong and learn to deepen your powers of intuition. And like the fool it’s time to take a spontaneous leap into the future knowing you can relax and be yourself.
That is enough.”
How To Truly Forgive and Liberate Yourself
If you are looking to get to the next level of your meditation practice, forgiveness is key. Forgiveness is freedom.
According to Wikipedia, “forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.”

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To help you get there, here’s a simplified variation of a very powerful forgiveness exercise extracted from MindValley Academy.
Step 1: Set The Scene
Firstly, with your eyes closed and for about two minutes or so, bring back all the anger, frustration and pain you felt when someone in your life wronged you. Feel yourself in that very moment when it happened and picture the same environment you were in when you interacted with them. (To give you an example, in one of my sessions I imagined my bullying school headmaster in the same basketball court where he had made me stand for hours in the hot sun as punishment.) Continue reading “How To Truly Forgive and Liberate Yourself”