Why Gossip and Jealousy are your Greatest Teachers

Be impeccable with your word

By Ashley Turner

When we have the urge to break someone down it’s because we have the need to make ourselves feel better.

Take a closer look at what, specifically, is making you feel inadequate or ‘not as good as’. What is this person exhibiting that you wish you had? What qualities are they modeling that you covet?

Gossip most often indicates something that we are jealous or envious of.

Jealousy is one of our greatest teachers because it shows us exactly what we desire. We see clearly what we want. Our ego has the tendency to criticize someone else, make an excuse for why they don’t deserve it or highlight what else they are doing wrong – through gossip.

The irony is that anyone you tend to gossip about is actually a teacher for you – exhibiting the habits and actions that you need to cultivate in order to bring this quality or thing into your life.

Be impeccable with your word
Be impeccable with your word. (Credit: www.ourgom.com)

Here are 6 simple steps to harness the habit of gossiping:

1. NOTICE when your words tend towards the negative.

2. Reel it back in, RETRACT your statement or thought (silently..but better out loud).

3. Identify what specific QUALITY or THING they exhibit that you desire (i.e. how are they seen by the world, that you wish you were…is this woman thin? seemingly in a beautiful relationship? praised for her creativity?)

4. IDENTIFY the specific negative thoughts you harbor towards yourself to hold yourself back from thinking you already are this (i.e. “I’m too thin/fat.” “I’m lazy.” “I’m not ready/creative/athletic/sexy/smart enough to deserve….”)

5. ASK what you need to do to bring more of this quality or thing into your life? What ACTIONS do you need to take to get more of what you want?

6. BOOST the other person up because they are actually modeling for you the qualities you desire and how to get there. Learn from them. Stay humble. Appreciate who they are.

Become impeccable with your words. Notice how someone gossiping about you in the past has hurt you. Use gossiping as a mirror to raise your standard, show you what you really want and how to get there.

Let us know what you’re jealous of, where you get caught in envy and what you tend to gossip about OR how gossiping has hurt you.

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Your life is your curriculum.

How to Shine your Light

Post yoga glow

Your light shines brightest when you are in your highest energy, experiencing your greatest joy, living the most fulfilling life that you can create for yourself.

This is when you are the most empowered, and it is also when you are the most powerful source of light for the world.

Post yoga glow
Post yoga glow. Let your light light up the universe! (Fernanda Beccaglia)

You have an obligation to Source that is part of your path and life purpose, but not to be the source for those whom you judge as being weak or powerless, or those they are not ready to take on it.

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Everyone is a spark of the Divine, of Source light, and everyone is equally powerful!

To be a light for the world, be the brightest light you can be and through the force of your being, light the way so others may choose it (or not) so you can experience joy and fulfillment that is aligned with your own path of enlightenment, expansion, and ascension.

Be the light!

Only Love Heals it All

Love heals it all

By Fernanda Beccaglia

How many times have you heard people say “time heals it all?” I have countless times. That’s why I am here writing this article.

Truth is time doesn’t heal anything, only numbs it all. And it makes sense that it does, because in the true sense of it time doesn’t exist. It is only the here and now and the choices you make from a powerful divine space of the present moment. And from there, we truly get that only Love heals it all. Whether is a loss, a break-up, anger, hatred, fear…you name it, only love and love only, my loves, heals it and forgives it all.

“Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.” ~Gary Zukav

The pretense that time will heal it all becomes the silent, eternal painkiller that numbs our soul, close our heart and takes control of our subconscious mind; the excuse not to do the healing work, the shadow work, to go thru the bleeding wound that ultimately would take us thru the initiation towards home, the light, the I Am, who we truly are.

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It will become your true guru and teacher. Your best friend. Your spiritual GPS (God Positioning System). Yet, this might sound like an impossible and painful task, but without it there is no transformation or growth.

It is not only possible, but it is the easiest, shortest, fastest way to live the life you want and seek to live: happy, abundant, joyful, free, and fulfilled. As joy is the meaning and purpose of life, your true birthright and divine heritage.

Breathe Love. Choose Love. Be Love.