3 Steps to Rapidly Manifest Your Dreams and Goals

We create our own reality. That’s right, we are powerful manifesting machines, but since we have 50 to 70 THOUSAND unconscious thoughts per day, of which about 80-90% are negative we’re not always manifesting wonders! The Universe is always responding to our energy/vibration, thoughts and feelings at every moment, whether we are conscious of it or not.

You literally can have anything you want in life, if you can just move past the limitations of the mind to allow, believe receive. 

Follow this 3 step process to rapidly manifest your dreams and goals: 

Thoughts become things. Mike Dooley


Step 1: Get crystal clear about what you want and why you want it. Write down all of the details about the dream and what it means to you. How will it make you FEEL to have or experience it? Be as specific as possible. 

Step 2: Write down all of the beliefs you have about why you think you can’t have it right now. Be completely honest with yourself! Then look at that list and assess which points are just fears or self sabotage & which are universal truth. Also decide what you will do about the points that you know you can change right away and for those you can’t change immediately, start making a plan for change that will lead you toward your goals and dreams.

Step 3: Finally, meditate about it, feel as if you are already living your dreams, and get clear about any false limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Most often we can see that it is only our minds that hold us back in life. As you begin to feel and see yourself living your dreams, they have no choice but to manifest for you.

So take out a pen and paper and do this practice NOW!

Here are a few more points to consider:

    • We always find, create or make the time for what is most important.
    • We can always find, create or make the money if its priority enough.
    • Go with what your heart is telling you right now and always. There is an inner intelligence that is ever present and constantly guiding your soul toward your highest destiny. 
    • There is no tomorrow, because we live eternally in the now. This moment is the only reality we can ever truly experience.
    • Step up to your greatest life now. The Universe is waiting for you to step into your highest potential. Whether your dream is to start your own business, take your existing business to the next level, become a yoga teacher and travel the world, heal yourself and others, get in the best shape of your life or take your life to the next level in any other capacity, do it now. Your soul will thank you and you will be rewarded richly for your ability to step forward with faith and trust. 
  • Perhaps most of all, we only live this life once. I can’t really emphasize this enough. There’s a saying that goes, “discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons.” Discipline means doing whatever it takes to make progress toward your dreams. Get out of your comfort zone. Show up for yourself.
  • Take life by the reigns and venture courageously toward what your heart and soul is screaming “Hell YES!” for you to do. And all those things that don’t feel good, don’t make your soul sing… dump them. Drop all of that like a bad habit and move on. Life is too short to suffer living a life of mediocrity.
  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • Move your body in any way that feels good to you.
  • Notice what you focus on.
  • Practice deep breathing.
  • Meditate
  • Keep a worry list and place it in a “God/Universe/Source Box”
Your life and destiny is waiting for you on the other side of fear and on the other side of comfort. Just take the first step, take action now where you are with what you have. The Universe supports all actions aligned with Your Highest Self. And remember, leave the details up to the Universe. Just take action now!